Good afternoon.my honored teachers and my fellow students.Welcome to our English corner.I am the host of today’s “English corner”.It’s a great pleasure for us to get together here.English Corner is one of the activities carried out by our English club.To improve your English level and practice your ability of communication is our main objective.Since some students think that English is so difficult and boring, we will try to make them understand that English is great fun for us.As we know, our English corner is a stage for us to display our talents and also a chance for the teachers to enjoy the result of all of their hard work.Well, as the poster shows, our topic is sweet childhood.The image of childhood is like a paradise with warm sunshine, pretty flowers and many peaceful and joyful things in it.Today, I’d like you to share some of your sweet childhood memories with all of us and perhaps we could also find some familiar points.结束语
Boys and girls, I'm certain that we have got a nice time here.But as you know, Time is always fleeting and I'm afraid our English Corner has come to the end.We hope all of you have learned something or make new friends here.We appreciate your splendid performance.That's so excellent that we don’t want to say Goodbye.But we have to say Goodbye now.See you next time!
开场语新浪微博,醴陵红网,优酷的网友们,醴陵电视台的球迷朋友们,下午好,我现在所在的位置是醴陵市陶瓷烟花学校的足球场,这里马上将要进行一场2013年 “中大泵业杯”业余足球联赛......
开场语尊敬的各位领导!亲爱的各位来宾!大家晚上好!我是主持人## ,我是主持人##,我是主持人##,我是主持人##, 爆竹声声春讯早,桃符处处岁时新;春风舞动门前柳,喜雨催开苑里花今晚我们华......