Accounting EnglishMr.Graciano
Cla: 1Title: Vocabulary Words Date: May 28, 2012Name/Number: Linda/56
1.Addre: a sign in front of a house or busine carrying the conventional form by which its location is described.地址
Eg:Take his addre down
2.Amount:add up in number or quantity.总计
Eg:The bills amounted to $2,000
3.Balance:a state of equilibrium.平衡
Eg: Can you balance on one foot?
4.Charges: is an amount of money that you have to pay for a service.费用Eg: We can arrange this for a small charge
5.c.i.f.-cost insurance and freight:A trade term requiring the seller to arrange for the carriage of goods by sea to a port of destination, and provide the buyer with the documents neceary to obtain the goods from the carrier.到岸价
Eg: Imports include the cost of insurance and freight but exports are recorded on a “free on board”(FOB)basis, which excludes such charges
6.Certificate of origin:a document about the place where something begins货物原产地证明书
Eg: If any additional document, such as certificate of origin, consular invoice, etc.is required, the seller may provide as requested for the Buyer's account.7.Credit/creditor:a person to whom money is owed by a debtor;someone to whom an obligation exists.债权人Eg:I am not a creditor.This is my money
8.Difference: between two things is the way in which they are unlike each other.差异
Eg:That is the fundamental difference between the two societies
9.Enclosure:artifact consisting of a space that has been enclosed for some purpose.附件
Eg:For each item, the stylesheet prints some basic information: title, description and a link to the enclosure
10.End of month:Transaction period, such as the due date for receivables or the date of a closing inventory.月末
Eg:Apply new meal card for staff by the end of month.11.Franchise: a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government(especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote).特权
Eg:He’s no ceremonial franchise player
12.Insurance: an arrangement in which you pay money to a company, and they pay you if something unpleasant happens to you.保险Eg:She canvaed for insurance during her spare time.13.Invoice:an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered.发票
Eg:You then choose an invoice to view and print
14.Letter of credit:a document iued by a bank that guarantees the payment of a customer's draft;substitutes the bank's credit for the customer's credit.信用证Eg:The bank has made out an irrevocable letter of credit.15.Manufacturer:someone who manufactures something.制造商Eg:The auto manufacturer discontinued that car back in 1999
16.On account:you buy something on credit先付
Eg: The old worker retired on account of age
17.Quantity:how much there is of something that you can quantify.数量Eg:Don't strive merely for quantity of production.18.Quality:something is how good or bad it is.质量Eg:Everyone can greatly improve the quality of life.19.Remittance:a payment of money sent to a person in another place.汇款Eg:Please enclose your remittance, making checks payable to Valley Technology Services.20.shipping order:inventory control note that lists details about the goods shipped and its destination and intended recipient装货单Eg: I want to check them with the Shipping order at the loading port, can you help me?
ate结尾的单词及中文解释:alienate vt. 使疏远,离间,让与;alleviate v. 缓和,减轻;allocate vt. 分派,分配;alternate vt.使交替 a.交替的;amalgamate v. 合并,混合;ameliorate vt.......
1 amortize v. 分期偿还2 anathematize vt.vi. 开除教籍,咒诅,咒逐3 anatomize vt. 解剖,仔细分析4 anesthetize vt. 使麻醉,使麻木5 antagonize vt. 使成敌人,敌对,反对6 ap......
1 pre 以前的;(前缀)前,先;预先2 preacceptance 事先承兑3 preach vt.说教,布道;鼓吹4 preacher n. 传道者,讲道者,牧师5 preaching n. 说教;a. 说教的6 preamble n. 前言,序言7 pr......