Discrimination in America
The United State is a multi-ethnic country.After Columbus found the North America,blackmen from Africa were sent to the America by the black slave trade.Many immigrants from all over the world such as Europe, Asia ect.came to the United States since then.They all make contributions to the prosperity and the develop of America.In the “Declaration of the Independence”,it proclaimed that “all men are created equal”.America also says that it is the most democratic country in the world.However we can not ignore the fact that the racial iues and problems still exist.In my paper,I want to talk about two racial problems.One is the disccrimination to the blackmen, the other is the discrimination to the Asian expecielly to the Chinese.I have listened to a news from CNN news that an American policeman called Oakland who shot a black man in 2009 was sentenced to be innocent by court in August,2013.He killed the blackman just because he suspected the blackman carried drugs.This ignited the debate of racial discrimination.Many American blackmen thought it was unfair.They recommended that the policeman should be in prison.But they could not change the judgement of the court.It also let I know, although Amecia claims that all men are equal and the personal rights are important,but blackmen in America have le rights than white people in America.In other words,the discrimination to blackmen have not been solved by law,government and the sociaty.It is the fact that more blackmen was sent into the prison than the white peaple.In the respect of the education,before 1954,blackmen was banned to the public school with white people.Utill now,the lever of the teenagers of blackmen is not high.In Harvard,Yale,Princeton,we can see white students everywhere but the black students are been seen seldom.In economic area,almost all the leader in wallstreet is white,but in slumdog almost all the poor people or homele people are black.This all show that the blackmen in Amecia do not have the equal rights and the opportunities as the whitemen.Racial problems is highlight in America.Not only the blackmen but also the immigrants from Asia,expecially China are discriminated,too.Recently,a man called Joe Wang is very red-hot in China.His chinese name is Huangxi,the first Asian person who performed talkshow in White House.I like to watch his talkshow on the internet.A lot of his jokes is refer to the discrimination which he suffers as a chinese,an immigant.As no chinese or Asian succeeded in talkshow performance in America,when he stepped on this area,he was laughed,even someone said he would disappeared in this area within one week.His accent is not perfect,so some audience writen a letter to him-if you do not know how to speak English well,go back to China,only chinese can understand what you say.All these can show Americans have bias on immigrants from Asia,South-America,especially ,China.Amerians have a notion that in every area,the most famous people or the leaders should be Americans.People from other country have difficulty in succe in America,because they can not be accepted by mainstream of America at first.Some Americans do not support them in all kinds of aspects,which leads to them mi the fertile land.They have to work harder than white people to reach the peak.Many Americans say the chinese people just study
but do not know how to enjoy the life.while they do not realize that because of the discrimination,chinese must study harder to gain the respect from Americans.How these discriminations come from?From my view,I think there are three reasons.firstly,the historical reason is that the black slave trade.These black slaves do the humblest work and have no right.They have no money,no status and few chance to get the education,which makes them get more bias.This is an vicious circle.Secondly,the cultural reason is that the conflict of different culture,we all know that it was the whitemen who first settled in America,so they thought their culture was the mainstream.Then more and more imigrants with different backgrounds and culture came to America,which impacted the mainsteam of the whitemen’s culture.Some whitemen regarded them as the invader and the discriminations were inavitable.What’s more,we can see that in the political area of the America, representatives and the leaders of whitemen is more than those of the blackmen,which means that the priorities wil been given to the whitemen firstly,but the blackmen’s rights cannot been guaranteed by congre and the law.Once a man had a dream.He dreamed of a land of peace and harmony.He dreamed of a place where people were not judged by their skin color.He dreamed of a country where children of different races could play together.He dreamed of a nation where all people were equal.Racial iues exists not only in America but also in other developed counties of the world.I hope the Luther’wish can come true one day in the America actully.I hope it is the world filled with respect,kindne,harmony and equality,just as the saying“all men are created equal.”
谢晨 英语2班 120201032
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