Racial discrimination consists of both prejudice and discrimination based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples.It often takes the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities.Compared with these two movies(life of pie and the line ranger), we can find details which can show racial discrimination in these movies.Firstly, on the The lone Ranger, Tonto saves two whites, however when they are recovery, they are informed of the location of silver by Tonto, and he gets a pocket watch.Unfortunately, two whites kill all the people in the village.Tonto is left alone.Regardle of laws and morality, they has deep thought that Indian is different from English, in other words, they are thing, not human race.The war is described detailed by the director between Indians and American army.And later, the Indians are failure completely.However, in 1787, American constitute “the declaration of independence”,which is the fundamental replacement of human right.In order to invasion to western, they kill and enslave Indians, which means this race will not enjoy this law.Railway is the key point of gold, whites invade their land and power using the slavers.That is the eential of the capitalist, whatever the knowledge and civilization they have, in order to the money, they can do anything which is cruel and selfish.Furthermore, on the life of pie, there are a few meage expreing the race
discrimination.Particularly, in the lunch time on the ship, pie’s mother don't want gravy, the chef gives her a leaf.And then he shames her, them Pie’s father is angry with him and fight him.In the chef mind, he thinks Indians should be adapted the white.But if an American want a curry, he will be friendly to meet his need, or say sorry.The attitude is the eential point to show the race discrimination.In the narration of Pie, the chef is brute man, and he kills the Buddhist.Using the boy dying to get bait, and slapping the pie’s mother.Then the cooker eats the sailors like a rat.After a week, he kills pie’s mother.Through this story is not true, it can estimate the reality if the cooker is in the boat.Finally,there are many movie that can show the racial discrimination, and it still exist in the social life now.
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